Hilary Cox Condron

My commitment and passion for social and environmental justice through the arts and culture has shaped my participatory practice over many years. I develop, co-ordinate and deliver community-led arts, heritage and educational programmes: using creativity, culture, stories, consultation and collaboration to deepen understanding of our world, inspire new thinking, and address local and global challenges. I work with schools, new developing communities and disenfranchised existing rural and urban localities, marginalised groups, local government, campaigners, researchers, museums & cultural venues: creating inviting and stimulating environments where exploration, empathy, the imagination and positive action are nurtured.
My work as a designer, community artist, creative producer and local politician has been shaped through activism - or maybe visa versa – with social and environmental justice at its heart: exploring, sharing and celebrating creativity, culture, stories, heritage and the natural environment,. My practice nurtures a sense of place and identity, imagination and exploration, building relationships and vision and empowering long term, positive change.
Art is not about ‘passing time’... It is about remembering who we are, celebrating our beings, creating beauty together, being seen and heard and stimulating our ‘creative-cells’ to find new ways to look to our futures. It is about having fun, learning about each other, sharing experiences, valuing ourselves and others and – when life feels really hard – to keep being wonderful.
My practice is inclusive and responsive – using visual art, performance, installations, photography, exhibitions, events and film to engage, develop and share ideas and stories.. I work as a graphic designer, multi media and visual artist - having studied graphic design and illustration, I initially worked in media and PR studios, set up my design company, and now work collaboratively to produce artwork. My passion for social equality led to developing my community and participatory arts practice, and I draw on my skill and experience to both engage and share through my practice - writing, designing, devising and producing display boards, films, books and brochures, installations, exhibitions and hoardings, liaising, collaborating and working within a time-frame and budget. Creating both temporary experiences as well as a legacy through my practice as a visual artist.
My many years of collaborative working, artistic practice and social-butterflying means I have a wealth of well established connections throughout Cambridgeshire, bringing a warm heart, listening ears and the fun of artistic endeavour to often excluded or overlooked groups, volunteers, councils, museums, schools, community groups and cultural venues, acting with care, consideration and creativity to help shape the places in which we live.
This short film demonstrates how I use my practice to engage with a wide range of communities.
Why arts and culture is important... my ethos as an educator.