Hilary Cox Condron

““I’m passionate about bringing people together through our stories, through our history, through archiving present-day occurrences, and to looking to the future together.””
Hilary Cox Condron
#mycamvote was 24 hour snapshot capturing a day in the lives of The Women of Cambridge. Marking 100 years since women first got the vote on the 6th of February 1918.
I created the photographic archive starting at midnidght on Tuesday 6 February 2018, inviting Cambridgeshire women to take a snapshot of themselves going about their everyday life and to state what they would use their vote for.
As well as posting #mycamvote images to social media, I set up a photo-booth at the Guildhall for the day.
This photographic archive captures the diversity, the creativity, the joy and the sadness of being a woman in Cambridge, whilst highlighting the many issues women are still fighting for and the importance of using our vote..
The images and film were displayed on social media, at Cambridge University and at The Big Weekend festival.