Hilary Cox Condron

Capturing Cambridge
‘Hilary Cox Condron works with minimal resources but manages to reach and engage an enormous number of different people and groups by taking a can-do, experimental approach. Finding groups she wants to work with, identifying what’s relevant to them, and putting ideas quickly into action to demonstrate that she has listened and responded.”
Case Study report Association of Independent Museums
Through the Capturing Cambridge programme, I created a rich and varied social history map of the city, capturing the stories and memories of Cambridge residents through workshops, interventions, film and exhibitions. Working closely with Cambridge City Council to support their diversity aims and objectives, I recruited and collaborated with a wide range of groups to develop and support local history projects and exhibitions, including an LGBT History of Cambridge, stories of migration and the history of The Strawberry Fair. I researched local history and stimulated stories through the collection, memory boxes and discussions, and record these as oral histories, films, blogs, exhibitions and installations. I managed the training and co-ordination of a team of volunteer Community Editors and oversaw the development of the Capturing Cambridge website. organised events, Inside Stories talks, social media, community drop-ins and memory cafes. I represented the Museum of Cambridge as one of 12 ‘pioneer’ museums selected by The Association of Independent Museums to develop the Diversifying Museum Visitors Project toolkit.